Hey, assclowns, "This didn't take ten hours" is not a review. That's a facebook post. There's a 12,000 character limit for reviews for a reason.
Anyway, while the colors of the subject are pleasant enough, there are quite a few problems here.
The biggest one is the blurry edges. The edges of objects lack definition, and are rather bumpy.
I would recommend not playing with opacity til you have the base shades and tones down. Otherwise, you get this rather flat effect, as if somebody put dirt on a paper cutout. Trying to put down base shades and tones by layering opacity is not a good idea, generally.
While on the subject of shades and tints, shadows have more color than a straight grey. Shadows outdoors are blue, while indoors they are orangey. Implementing these colors into your shadows makes a drawing look a lot prettier.
With the grass, the way you drew it, this looks like it's somebody's lawn. If this was meant to be a shot of a natural enviornment, the grass should be in more varied lengths, with different plants interspersed with it. Not a veritable garden of different plant species mind you, just some variety. It makes a scene look a lot more alive.
The clouds also ought to be a lot more solid looking. I've never seen Cumulus clouds appear blurry to me. Unless they're cirrus, put some definition into those clouds!
A more competent artist would have a lot more to say in better ways, but that's all I have to say for now.